313 Days

Find Us

(320) 393-2155

15621 5th Ave NW | Rice, Minnesota

We're 2-1/2 miles east of Rice on County Road 12 (Pine Road), then 1 mile north on County Road 56 (5th Avenue NW).

If you're coming up highway 10 from the south, take the exit before the overpass, then head north on the frontage road. From the north, take the overpass exit and then turn left twice.

Dates & Hours

Open November 22nd through December 23rd

Monday through Thursday ~ 12pm 'til 7pm
Friday through Sunday ~ 9am 'til 7pm

Payment Notice

We're an old-fashioned family farm, and as such we don't yet have the ability to process credit cards. We request that you kindly come prepared to pay with cash or local check.

Thank you very much.